About Me

My photo
Wyoming/Nebraska, United States
I am a Grandma with a passion for beauty, joy and life. Finding yourself seems to be the answer to a joyous heart, peaceful soul and quilting does this for me. Putting the Lord first in life keeps me grounded.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Little oops!

I hit a "delete" button and deleted my followers, so if you are a follower--you may not be anymore. Sorry, sometimes I make messes and need others to clean them up!! You may have to follow me again. If you know how to get them back another way, please let me know!! Thanks to all that follow my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Girl, your new photo/banner on this blog is incredible!!! You really might want to consider photography as a second interest to quilting - wow, I sure love this one!
